Inclusive Cities

March 2017 - December 2023
Overview Methods Partners Outputs
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Inclusive Cities supports 12 UK cities and their local partners in achieving a step-change in their approach towards integrating newcomers to the city.

The founding cities (2017-2019) were Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Liverpool, Peterborough, and London.

Additional cities that joined phase two of the programme (2019-2023) are Belfast, Birmingham, Brighton, Coventry, Newry, Mourne & Down, Newport and Sheffield.

Drawing on ideas and experience from within Europe and innovative approaches from cities in the United States, it aims to support the development of a method which is:

  • Strategic across the city administration
  • Consistently uses positive messaging to develop an inclusive narrative for the city, which informs and drives practice
  • Local authority-led, working in close partnership with business, public and voluntary sector organisations – including those not usually involved in integration - to achieve shared goals
  • Identifies several priority areas which lead to practical initiatives which broaden opportunities for the inclusion of all residents across the economic, social and civic life of the city and
  • Recognises, in particular, the needs of children and young people

The project is a knowledge exchange initiative which allows the cities to reflect upon and develop their thinking in several ways:

  • Peer learning and support between the participating cities;
  • Dedicated support from a project manager at the Global Exchange on Migration and Diversity who will inform the projects with specialist input - data, evidence, and examples of worldwide; good practice and provide ongoing support to each of the cities;
  • International learning through founder membership of Welcoming International, which supports and connects institutions advancing inclusion worldwide.

Principal Investigator

Jacqui Broadhead


Denis Kierans

Nathan Grassi (Administration)

Delphine Boagey (Communications)


Paul Hamlyn Foundation