Privacy & Cookies

Use of Cookies

Under UK law (Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations) we are required to inform all our visitors of the information that we store in the form of 'Cookies'.

Cookies are small text files that many websites place on visitors' computers to store a range of information, usually specific to that visitor. Almost all websites use Cookies in some way or another.

The COMPAS website makes use of Cookies in a few ways, which are described below.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics uses Cookies to record information about your visit to our website. For example, it will track what pages you have visited and how long you spent on each page.

Recording this information enables us to review the analytics of our website to ensure it's performing as well as it should be.

You can opt-out of Google Analytics so that your browsing data is not collected.

Social Media Integration

The COMPAS website makes use of social media plugins that enable our visitors to share our content using Facebook and Twitter.

The website also uses another popular social plugin called 'AddThis' which enables users to share content on our website using wider number of social applications.

If you do not want 'AddThis' to store or collect any of your browsing data then please visit AddThis's website to opt out.

COMPAS Newsletter

When you sign up to the COMPAS newsletter, our mailing list management programme uses cookies to store your information.

Disabling Cookies

You may change your browser settings to allow or refuse all Cookies, choose which Cookies you want or don’t want, or ask to be notified when a Cookie is about to be set.

Find more information about your particular browser's settings:

Please note: If you use your browser settings to block all Cookies you may not be able to access all or parts of our website, or you may experience limited functionality when trying to access certain features.

Further information

Find out more about Cookies at the following websites: