This report derives from the work of partners involved in Work Package (WP) 10 of the FP7 programme bEUcitizen. It explores the complex dynamics of insiders and outsiders, and their mutual dependence. WP10 focuses on the three key axes of mobility, naturalisation, and welfare benefits, all of which intersect to explore the ways in which ‘citizenship’ is both a legal and a normative status, that is, how formal in/exclusion is related to ideas of deservingness and ‘Good Citizenship’. This report explores the interactions of these axes and the differential in/exclusions that result via the six states under study, which enable us to examine EU15 (Ireland, Netherlands, UK, and Spain as a Southern EU state), new member (Croatia) and non-EU (Israel) states.
Report on the Rights and Obligations of Citizens and Non-Citizens in Selected Countries. Principles of Eligibility Underpinning Access to State Territory, Citizenship and Welfare
Published 1 January 2014 / By Bridget Anderson, Isabel Shutes and Sarah Walker
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