Eumagine: Imagining Europe from the Outside. The Cases of Ukraine, Turkey, Senegal and Morocco

2010 – 2013
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The EUMAGINE project studied how Europe is perceived from outside the EU, and how these perceptions affect migration aspirations and decisions. The project, which brought together researchers from a consortium of eight institutions, including COMPAS, focused on how people’s perceptions of democracy and human rights – in relation to their regions and countries of origin as well as places abroad – affect their perceptions of and attitudes to migration.

It also investigated how perceptions of human rights and democracy interact with other determinants of migration aspirations, to what extent migration is perceived as a valuable life project, and how potential migrants compare Europe to other migration destinations such as the US, Russia, Canada and Australia. EUMAGINE studied migration-related perceptions among people aged 18-39 in four countries of origin and transit: Morocco, Senegal, Turkey and Ukraine. COMPAS researchers were responsible for developing the conceptual and theoretical framework of the EUMAGINE project, and for compiling within country analysis and project reports for Ukraine.

Principal Investigator

Franck Düvell


Bastian Vollmer


European Union FP7