Diversity, Integration and the Economy

April 2005 – March 2008
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This project analysed how migrant diversity influences economic performance, productivity, innovation and growth in host regions, and how this is mediated by regulatory frameworks. It took place within a wider project carried out in partnership with other European research institutes and coordinated by the Migration Research Group (MRG) of the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA/HWWI). The module in which COMPAS was involved focused on the impact of mainstream and targeted policies – including services – on migrant labour market outcomes in the UK and Germany.

The study aimed to advance the debate on the theme of integration policy, focusing on the relationship between migrant diversity, migrants’ economic performance and regulatory frameworks. It looked in particular at the impact of regulatory frameworks at national and local level on the labour market outcomes of migrants. The module built on existing research into determinants of migrant incorporation in labour markets, but aimed to supplement this with a more detailed account of the role of regulatory frameworks, thereby enhancing our understanding of how policy interventions at EU, national and local level can constrain or make positive use of forms of diversity.

Principal Investigator

Alessio Cangiano


Sarah Spencer
Hiranthi Jayaweera


Volkswagen Foundation