Mariña Fernández-Reino

Senior Researcher, The Migration Observatory

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Mariña Fernández-Reino (PhD, Universitat Pompeu Fabra) is a Senior Researcher at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society and the Migration Observatory. Before moving to Oxford in 2018, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Horizon 2020 project Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets, where she investigated the labour market discrimination of ethnic and migrant minorities in Spain using field experiments. She is currently the PI of a research project investigating migrants’ lived experiences of the UK immigration system, for which she is recruiting online survey respondents using Meta advertisements. She also leads two work packages within the EqualStrength project (“Cumulative discrimination and prejudice against marginalised groups in Europe”), funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme.

Throughout her academic career, she has investigated a variety of research topics related to migration and ethnic inequalities, including the discrimination of Latinos and Muslim minorities, public opinion towards migration, educational inequalities in Spain and the UK, relationships in migrant families, selectivity of migration inflows, and the labour market integration of migrant workers. She has published in high-impact journals such as European Sociological ReviewJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies and Oxford Review of Economic Policy, among others. Within her role at the Migration Observatory, she has authored over twenty briefings and reports on migrants’ integration, immigration policy and public attitudes towards migration.

Link to her CV and her publications on Google Scholar.

She is open to supervising DPhil students.

Latest publications

Fernández-Reino, M. & Creighton, M. (2024) Who is the majority group? Signalling majority group membership with name-based treatments in multilingual contexts: The case of Catalonia. Social Science Research, Online First,

Fernández-Reino, M., Di Stasio, V., & Veit, S. (2023) Discrimination unveiled: a field experiment on the barriers faced by Muslim women in Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain, European Sociological Review, Volume 39, Issue 3, Pages 479–497,

Fernández-Reino, M. & Sumption, M. (2022) How Secure is Pre-Settled Status for EU Citizens After Brexit? Migration Observatory report, COMPAS, University of Oxford

Cebolla-Boado, H., & Fernández-Reino, M. (2021). Migrant Concentration in Schools and Students’ Performance: Does It Matter When Migrants Speak the Same Language as Nonmigrant Students? American Behavioral Scientist65(9), 1206-1221

Fernández-Reino, M. (2021) Public attitudes to labour migrants in the pandemic: Occupations and nationality. Migration Observatory report, COMPAS, University of Oxford

Fernández-Reino, M., Sumption, M., & Vargas-Silva, C. (2020). From low-skilled to key workers: the implications of emergencies for immigration policy. Oxford Review of Economic Policy36 (Supplement_1), S382-S396

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