Marie Mallet-Garcia

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Researcher

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Dr. Marie Mallet-Garcia (Ph.D., Paris-Sorbonne, 2013) is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Researcher at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford. She is part of the City Initiative on Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe (C-MISE), where she guides cities on exchanging knowledge on local practices and policies responding to the presence of irregular migrants. She was previously a Fulbright Scholar at the Department of Sociology at Harvard University, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND fellow at Freie Universität Berlin, and a EURIAS fellow at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies, Casa de Velazquez.

She is an expert on the inclusion of undocumented migrants and has led research projects at the University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University to comparatively analyze transatlantic migration policies affecting undocumented migrants. Most recently, she has investigated the effects of COVID-19 on undocumented immigrants in Europe and the United States. Her current focus aims to identify and alleviate obstacles faced by non-EU migrants in accessing basic services, and to improve their social inclusion.

Selected publications

Bastick, Z and Mallet, M.L. (2021) Double Lockdown: The Effects of Digital Exclusion on Migrants During Covid-19, New Media and Society

Mallet, M. & Garcia, E. (2021) Caseworker Prejudice: Exploring Secondary Non-Take-Up from Below Among Latino Immigrants in Madrid, London, and New York City. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 47(2) 201-220

Mallet, M.L, Garcia-Bedolla, L. (2021) Immigration Policy and Belonging: Ramifications for DACA recipients’ Sense of Belonging, American Behavioral Scientist

Perez-Nievas, S., Cordero, G. & Mallet, M.L. (2021) A Tale of Two Countries: The Sociopolitical Integration of Latino Immigrants in Spain and in the United States, American Behavioral Scientist

Mallet, M.L. (2021) The Interplay of Race, Immigration Policy and Belonging for DACA recipients. Mélanges De La Casa De Velázquez, no. 51-1

Mallet, M.L. & Delvino, N. (2021) Re-thinking exclusionary policies the case of irregular migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, Social Policy Review (243-264), Bristol University Press. ISBN: 9781447359722