This project aims to map and enhance local strategies to address the exclusion of migrants with precarious residential status from essential services. It will explore the challenges migrants face, emphasising the particular experiences of women, the services available in some cities, such as healthcare and shelter, and the rationales for them. Case studies in Cardiff, Frankfurt and Vienna, in partnership with city councils and in consultation with stakeholders, will explore differing approaches to provision within contrasting legal frameworks, including collaboration between public services and civil society.
The project will strengthen transnational networking and knowledge exchange to inform and enhance future practice.
Principal Investigator
JPI Urban Europe
Professor Dr. Simon Güntner and Adrienne Homberger, Technische Universität Wien, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Centre for Sociology, Austria
Professor Dr. Ilker Ataç and Maren Kirchhoff, Hochschule Fulda, Centre of Research for Society and Sustainability (CeSSt), Germany
Siân Sanders, Manager for Cohesion and Community Engagement, Cardiff City Council, UK
Shams Asadi, Human Rights Commissioner, City of Vienna, Austria
Dr. Petra Tiarks-Jungk, Director, Humanitarian Consultations, Department of Health, Frankfurt City Council and Sarah Alexandra Lang, Coordinator for Humanitarian Health Services, Department of Health, Frankfurt City Council, Germany
Comparative Report
Executive Summary: Local Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status: A Comparative Report on Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices in Europe
Zusammenfassung: Lokale Antworten auf Migrant:innen mit prekärem Aufenthaltsstatus: Ein vergleichender Bericht über Rahmen, Strategien und innovative Praktiken in Europa
Policy Brief
Inclusion of Precarious Migrants in Essential Services Ten Policy Recommendations
City Reports
- Frankurt am Main
Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status in Frankfurt: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices
Summary: Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status in Frankfurt: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices
Zusammenfassung: Antworten auf Migrant:innen mit prekärem Aufenthaltsstatus in Frankfurt am Main: Rahmen, Strategien und innovative Praktiken
- Vienna
Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status in Vienna: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices
Summary: Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status in Vienna: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices
Zusammenfassung: Antworten auf Migrant:innen mit prekärem Aufenthaltsstatus in Wien: Rahmen, Strategien und innovative Praktiken
- Cardiff
Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status in Cardiff: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices
Summary: Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status in Cardiff: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices
Zusammenfassung: Antworten auf Migrant:innen mit prekärem Aufenthaltsstatus in Cardiff: Rahmen, Strategien und innovative Praktiken