Other Publication

Safe reporting of crime: Research Highlights and Learnings for the EU Victims Strategy

Published 29 July 2020 / By Nicola Delvino

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Research Highlights and Learnings for the EU Victims Strategy

The Safe Reporting project is a project of the University of Oxford’s Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) that explored law, policy and practices governing the reporting of crime by victims and witnesses with irregular migration status in the United States (US) and four European countries, namely Belgium (BE), Italy (IT), Spain (ES) and the Netherlands (NL). The project ultimately aims to: provide authoritative evidence on and analysis of policies and best-practices enabling and encouraging safe reporting in Europe and the USA; assess the legal and political replicability of best practices and policies across different countries; and facilitate knowledge-exchange between European and US policymakers regarding the opportunities for replicating best practices across different national and local settings.

This document was prepared to follow up conversations between the researchers of the safe reporting project, representatives of the European Commission (DG JUST and DG HOME), Victims Support Europe (VSE) and the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) on how ‘safe reporting’ measures could be mainstreamed in the drafting and implementation of the upcoming strategy of the European Union (EU)’s Victims Strategy 2020-2024.


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