Nicola Delvino

Research Affiliate

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Nicola Delvino is a Researcher/Advisor on Migrants and Refugees Rights at Amnesty International.

While working at COMPAS, University of Oxford (2017-2021), Nicola co-directed the City Initiative on Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe (C-MISE) and was a Senior Researcher at the Global Exchange on Migration and Diversity. Nicola continues to support the C-MISE initiative as a member of its steering group and a COMPAS research affiliate. Nicola’s research focused on EU and national laws and policies on irregular migration and local practices responding to migrants with irregular status. It led the Safe Reporting project, researching laws and policies allowing crime reporting by victims of crime with irregular migration status in Europe and the USA.

Nicola has been working as a Human Rights Consultant for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) – Regional Office for Europe (Brussels) and has been cooperating as a Visiting Scholar with the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies at the University of California – Hastings College of the Law (San Francisco). Before joining COMPAS, Nicola worked and researched asylum, migration and human rights policies in Europe for Brussels-based NGOs, in particular as the Executive Officer on Asylum and Migration of Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office (2014-2015). He worked as a Justice & Home Affairs Officer in the political section of the British Embassy in Rome (2016-2017). Nicola holds a Master's in Law from the University of Bari (Italy) and studied EU law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB (Belgium).