Visiting Academics

The COMPAS Visiting Academic Programme encourages senior academics, practitioners and policy-makers (typically those on a period of sabbatical or study leave from their organisation), as well as post-doctoral scholars, to visit COMPAS and undertake a period of self-directed research with the support of senior academics here at COMPAS who are specialists within the field of migration studies.

Visit periods can last from one term to one year (dependent on visa rules), and applications are welcome year-round. Applications are accepted based on appropriateness to our key research themes.

A COMPAS Visiting Academic has no official affiliation with the University of Oxford. The association is designed for independent, self-directed research work periods. It is not an internship or a training course, nor is it applicable to people wishing to apply for a student visa.

COMPAS is unable to assist with visa applications.

Please note that if you are a DPhil/PhD student at the time of your intended visit, you must apply via Recognised Students. Your application will not be considered for the COMPAS Visiting Academic programme.


The standard Visitor bench fees are £600.00 per term or £1,500.00 per year. Unfortunately, we cannot negotiate fee waivers. See University of Oxford term dates.

Application procedure

Link-person: Before applying, you must establish a link-person at COMPAS who will happily support your visit. Contact a member of COMPAS academic staff with a brief description of your work, the reason for wanting to visit COMPAS and a request for them to act as your 'link-person'. Establishing a link-person does not automatically guarantee acceptance as a Visiting Academic.

Request an application: Once you have the support of a link person, contact and request an application form. Please clearly mark the subject of the email COMPAS Visiting Academic Application.

Submission and assessment of application: Please submit your completed application form to A senior academic will review the form and make a final decision. The decision is usually made and communicated within 3-4 weeks of receiving the application. Applications should be submitted at least two months before a proposed visit.