All prospective candidates must make their application through the University's Graduate Studies Office, and are advised to consult the University's Graduate Studies Prospectus beforehand. All applications are processed initially by the Graduate Studies Office, and must not be made directly to COMPAS.
Prospective students will need to select a department of the University in order to enrol for doctoral study. You may approach a COMPAS member of staff to be a supervisor. The following departments may consider joint supervision by a COMPAS member of staff:
- School of Anthropology
- School of Geography and the Environment
- Department of International Development
- Department of Politics and International Relations
If you are interested in working with a COMPAS researcher you should contact them directly with a brief outline of a possible research topic. The following staff have capacity to take on co-supervision - contact details are on their linked profile pages.
Please email us if you have a query about pursuing doctoral study at COMPAS.