Citizenship and Integration in the UK

2010 – 2011
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The aim of this project was to better understand the nature of the process of integration and acquisition of citizenship, focusing on newly-arrived third country migrants – that is, people from outside the European Union. More specifically, it looked to increase the capacity of the UK to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate policies and measures for the integration of third country nationals through the provision of a substantial body of new data and analysis.

The project had the following objectives: 1) to examine the experience of recent arrivals who have taken the ‘Life in the UK test’ or an alternative route of studying English with a citizenship context; 2) to review the academic and policy literature that provides evidence on integration processes and the outcomes of initiatives to promote integration; and 3) to develop through a process of research and dialogue on the development of further indicators to assess progress of integration policies and inform government debates on future measures.

Principal Investigator

Ben Gidley
Dina Kiwan (Birkbeck)


European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals