
EUMAGINE: Perceptions, Imaginations, Life-Satisfaction and Sociodemography: The Case of Ukraine

Published 1 January 2012 / By Franck Düvell,Bastian Vollmer, Yuriy Bilan, Yulia Borshchevska, Iryna Lapshyna, Svitlana Vdovtsova

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This report, produced as part of the EUMAGINE project, which studied how Europe is perceived from outside the EU, and how these perceptions affect migration aspirations and decisions, examines circumstances in the Ukraine. Research was conducted in four research areas: Zbaraz, (research area with high emigration), Novovodolazka (research area with low emigration),
Znamyanska (area specifically analysed for the human rights situation) and Solomyansky rayon/Kyiv (research area with immigration history).


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