This report explores the actual and potential role of UK-based diasporas in development and poverty reduction in their homelands. Included under the rubric ‘poverty reduction’ are conflict prevention, conflict reduction and post-conflict reconstruction, as these are all central to poverty reduction in countries with diasporas which have a substantial presence in the UK. Private remittances by individuals constitute the most sizeable and tangible form of diaspora contribution to development and poverty reduction. However, this report focuses on collective transfers of various kinds by diasporic associations for development and/or welfare purposes, as well as upon broader forms of collective support among diaspora non-governmental organisations, churches and other bodies, such as social and political lobbying. The report also touches on commercial investments in the homeland by diaspora members.
The Contribution of UK-Based Diasporas to Development and Poverty Reduction
Published 1 January 2004 / By Nicholas Van Hear
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