How should we interpret the upheavals in politics and mobility that have featured so strongly in the Euro-Mediterranean region over the last five years – upheavals eloquently interrogated by the contributions in this volume? One possibility is to exhume an old political science framework for explanation of such events – the ‘exit, voice and loyalty’ schema that Albert Hirschman put forward in the wake of major geopolitical events with similar portent several decades ago (Hirschman 1970, 1993). In this afterword to the volume I explore whether the Hirschman framework – or a modified iteration of it – still has the explanatory power to address the episodes and issues that are the subject of this book.
(Book in French)
Van Hear, N. (2015) 'Dépasser la défection et la prise de parole dans la région euro-méditerranéenne', in Schmoll, C., Thiollet, H., Wihtol de Wenden, C. (eds.), Migrations en Méditerranée, Paris: CNRS Éditions, 371-379