Integration Policies: Who Benefits?

November 2013 – April 2015
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This project, which is led by the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and the Migration Policy Group (MPG), aims to inform and engage key policy actors about how to use indicators to improve integration governance and policy effectiveness. The COMPAS team will be responsible for data collection and staging an in-depth national policy debate in the UK.

The main objectives of the project are: to identify and measure integration outcomes, integration policies, and other contextual factors that can impact policy effectiveness; to describe the real and potential beneficiaries of policies in seven key areas, namely employment, education, political participation, access to nationality, family reunification, long-term residence, and anti-discrimination; and to collect and analyse high-quality evaluations of integration policy effects.

Principal Investigator

Ben Gidley


European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals