Zoe Bantleman

DPhil in Migration Studies

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Supervisor: Catherine Briddick

College Affiliation: St Catherine's College

ESRC Grand Union DTP Scholar

Zoe is conducting a symptomatic analysis of legal judgments on issues of movement, migration, protection, and nationality, which she terms “the common law of hospitality”, to interrogate how judicial indeterminacy is resolved when confronted with alterity and how hospitality is conditioned by judicial decision-making.

Zoe is interested in researching intersections of migrancy, jurisprudence, and critical theory and keeping the law’s potential for at least temporary and local change alive.

As a barrister, Legal Director of the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA), and an editor of the Journal of Immigration, Nationality and Asylum Law, Zoe has spent her career in the United Kingdom writing, teaching legal professionals, and conducting court, policy, and parliamentary advocacy. She has presented her research and work at numerous conferences, roundtables, workshops, and seminars across Europe and the UK.

Zoe has a Bachelor of Laws from Durham University and a Master of Laws from the LSE, where she helped co-found and co-edit the LSE Law Review and co-edit the LSE Amnesty International Journal 2016: Human Rights and Global Governance.