Manolis Pratsinakis

Research Affiliate

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Manolis Pratsinakis was Departmental Lecturer in Migration Studies and the Onassis Fellow at SAME and COMPAS, University of Oxford, until 2022. He is also the Deputy Project Manager of the SEESOX Diaspora project.

He was previously a postdoctoral fellow at DPIR, University of Oxford, a Marie Curie fellow (IF) at the University of Macedonia (2015-2017), a visiting fellow at the University of Sussex (2016) and a lecturer at the University of Amsterdam (2013-2015). His academic interests broadly concern the study of migration and nationalism. He has researched and published on immigrant-native relations, ethnic boundaries and categorization, everyday nationhood, migration decision-making, brain drain, and intra-EU mobility in the post-2008 period. Manolis has studied Geography and Sociology (with honours) and completed his PhD in 2013 in Anthropology. His MA studies were supported by a Nuffic Huygens Scholarship, and his PhD research by an IKY scholarship from the Dutch and Greek states, respectively.

Selected publications

Anastasakis, O.,  Pratsinakis, M.,  Kalantzi, F., and Kamaras, A.  (2022), Diaspora engagement in the shadow of the Greek economic crisis and beyond. Palgrave Macmillan.

Pratsinakis, M. (2021) Ethnic return migration, exclusion and the role of ethnic options: ‘Soviet Greek’ migrants in their ethnic homeland and the Pontic identity. Nations and Nationalism. 27(2): 497– 512.

Pratsinakis, M., King, R., Himmelstine, C.L. and Mazzilli, C. (2020), A Crisis-Driven Migration? Aspirations and Experiences of the Post-2008 South European Migrants in London. International Migration, 58(1): 15-30.

King, R. and Pratsinakis, M. (2020), Exploring the Lived Experiences of Intra-EU Mobility in an Era of Complex Economic and Political Change. International Migration, 58(1): 5-14.

Pratsinakis, M. (2019), Family‐related migration and the crisis-driven outflow from Greece. In ‘New’ Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada: A ‘New’ Challenge for Education? eds A.J. Panagiotopoulou, L Rosen, A. Chatzidaki and C. Kirsch, Wiesbaden: Springer VS

Pratsinakis, M. (2018), Established and outsider nationals: Immigrant-Native relations and the everyday politics of national belonging, Ethnicities 18(1), 3–22

Pratsinakis M, Hatziprokopiou P, Labrianidis, L. and Vogiatzis, N. (2017), Living together in multi-ethnic cities: People of migrant background, their interethnic friendships and the neighbourhood. Urban Studies 38(4): 1142–1159

Pratsinakis, M. (2017), Collective charisma, selective exclusion and national belonging: ‘false’ and ‘real’ Greeks from the former Soviet Union. In Everyday Nationhood: Theorizing, Culture, Identity and Belonging two decades after the publication of Banal Nationalism, eds M. Skey & M. Antonsich. Houndmills: Palgrave