Breakfast Briefings

What do we know about the reasons for migration and the social and economic characteristics of migrants in the UK?

Breakfast briefings / 13 March 2015


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This briefing presents the findings of three important recent Home Office Science reports on migrants into the UK: Employment and occupational skill levels among UK and foreign nationals and The reason for migration and labour market characteristics of UK residents born abroad, which provides valuable insights into migrants and non-migrants in the jobs market, and Social and Economic Characteristics by Length of Residence of Migrant Populations in England and Wales, which reveals some key features of newer and longer term migrants, and the degree to which people coming from abroad retain their difference, whether through cultural effects or long-term disadvantage, as well as the degree to which they become more like the population of which they have come to be a part.

Speaker: Jon Simmons, Head of Migration and Border Research, UK Home Office.

Breakfast briefing summary