
Socialisms and Postsocialisms in a Global Context forum

Michaelmas Term 2018 / Tuesdays (weeks 4, 6 & 8), Convened by Dace Dzenovska & Nicolette Makovicky

11 Bevington Road

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We are very pleased to announce the schedule of the Socialisms and Postsocialisms in a Global Context forum for Michaelmas 2018. This term we have decided to continue our conversations about socialisms and postsocialisms through film. Sessions will take place on Tuesdays of Weeks 4, 6, and 8 at 15:30 in the Ground Floor Seminar Room, 11 Bevington Road.

Tuesday, October 30, 15:30 – The Block, dir. Maria Șalaru (2016, 60 min.), followed by a discussion with Maria Șalaru

From neighbourly disputes over garlic-heavy cooking to memories of Ceaușescu’s heatless winters, The Block explores the rich social and material universe of a Romanian apartment building. It follows the story of the block’s administrator, in his effort to mediate relationships between neighbours and maintain peace and order. In doing so, it crayons the rich nuances of the inhabitants’ everyday lives. The block comes to life as its inhabitants constantly reshape it to defy the passing of time, while its failing infrastructure encroaches on their neighbourly relations. This is a film about people’s homes, and the spaces in between.

Maria Șalaru will speak about the film, which she produced as part of her PhD in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Oxford.

Tuesday, November 13, 15:30 – Occupation 1968 (dir. Evdokina Moskvina, Linda Dombrovzsky, Magdalena Szymkov, Marie Elisa Scheidt, Stefan Komandarev, 2018, 131 min.)

5 countries of the Warsaw Pact occupied Czechoslovakia in 1968. 50 years later, five directors from the same 5 countries are filming their short films about the events of 1968 from the perspective of the occupants.

Tuesday, November 27, 15:30 – Documentarian (dir. Ivars Zviedris, Inese Kļava, 2012, 82 min.)

A filmmaker intrudes upon the reclusive life of Inta, a woman who lives alone on the edge of a swamp. He thought that Inta would make an extraordinary film character, but rather than be filmed, the “untamed” woman preferred to cast a spell on this unwelcome intruder. The persistence of the filmmaker will succeed in softening the heart of Inta... only to sadly break it later.

About the forum

Socialisms and Postsocialisms in a Global Context is a forum for sharing and discussing work with colleagues working on resonant themes. It is also a shared space for intellectual conversation about the contributions the studies of socialism and postsocialism can make in and across different disciplines – anthropology, history, socio-legal studies, sociology, political science and international relations. We are particularly interested in thinking about what insights derived from studies of socialism and postsocialism can offer with regard to understanding the current historical moment.

We do not consider socialism and postsocialism to be a geographically delimited area of inquiry, but understand it as global and diverse phenomenon and therefore invite participation of faculty and students across disciplinary and regional expertise. We particularly welcome advanced DPhil students who want to share their research and ideas in a constructive and supportive environment. The group is convened through a collaboration between faculty members affiliated with the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies and the School Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, but is open to all interested faculty and graduate students. Information about upcoming events will be circulated through the RSC and COMPAS mailing lists. If you would like to present your work in future sessions, please send an email to Dace Dzenovska.

We look forward to an exciting conversation!
Nicolette Makovicky, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies
Dace Dzenovska, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography