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Rethinking integration for the age of superdiversity: how to adapt public services?

18 June 2015

Renaissance Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19 Brussels, Belgium

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This Migration Policy Institute Europe public discussion will explore how a coordinated approach to integration may create more effective and inclusive approaches to diversity across the policy-making spectrum. Presenters will examine how national governments and the European Union can better support local authorities dealing with high population turnover (particularly in schools and housing), how a greater awareness and increased representation of diversity can more effectively be embedded in all public services, and how the European Union can incorporate the lessons learned at the local, regional, and national levels so that European funding streams are working, in a complementary fashion, towards the same goals. The discussion will also cover the findings of the UPSTREAM project, a multicountry study funded by the European Integration Fund that looks at the practice of mainstreaming in early childhood education, multilingual classrooms, antiracism, and equality strategies, and neighbourhood and housing policy.

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