
Reproductive Migrations: Mobility, Stratification and Reproductive Labour

Michaelmas 2022 / Thursdays, 3:30pm - 4:45pm, Convened by Madeleine Reeves

Hybrid: 64 Banbury Road, Oxford & Online (Zoom)

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This seminar series contributes to a critical analysis of stratified (im)mobility through the lens of reproduction and reproductive labour. Within medical anthropology and Science and Technology Studies, it has long been recognised that diverse forms of human and non-human movement shape reproductive desires and possibilities. The differential mobility of people, gametes, knowledge, and expertise across borders has contributed to the emergence of transnational fertility markets and the consolidation of global ‘reprohubs’ (Inhorn). At the same time, racialised imaginaries of nationhood and deservingness structure—and often circumscribe—migrants’ access to reproductive, maternity, and perinatal care. Yet critical migration and border studies have so far paid relatively little attention to the global division of reproduction labour, the impacts of documentary status on access to reproductive and maternity services, nor the way that regulatory divergences, economic inequalities, and the differential bioavailability of reproductive bodies and tissues across borders have constituted reproductive markets.

Bringing together scholars from medical anthropology, reproductive sociology, economic geography and migration studies, the series explores these gaps by foregrounding the intimate intersections of border work, differential mobility, and stratified access to reproductive care. Wellcome funds this series.

These hybrid seminars were free, and all were welcome.

