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Migration in Wales: Developing Local Strategic Frameworks on Integration

20 June 2016

Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay

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An International Learning Exchange Conference.

To facilitate knowledge exchange between Welsh and European local authorities on the latest evidence and good practice on migrant integration and to enable local authority practitioners in Wales to consider the value of developing or updating a strategic framework for the integration of migrants and refugees: potential aims, content and implications. The aim is to share ideas and experiences and to underpin the event with evidence and analysis from COMPAS’ research including recent European projects and to identify four Welsh local authorities which would be interested to engage with us in developing such an approach.


Local Strategic Frameworks Integration conference agenda


Developing a Strategic Approach to Integration in Wales: A practical resource for Local Authorities and their partners in Wales
by Sarah Spencer and Siân Sanders

Selected PowerPoint presentations from the conference:

Migration to Wales: Changing patterns and Implications at the local level (PowerPoint pdf)
by Dr Surhan Cam with Dr Sin Yi Cheung, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

Developing positive narratives and positive engagement: promoting cohesion at a local level (PowerPoint pdf)
by Gill Grainger, Community Diversity Manager, Wrexham County Borough Council

Narrative and engagement on Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Scheme (PowerPoint pdf)
by Anne Hubbard, Director, Welsh Migration Partnership, Welsh Local Government Association

This event was supported by the University of Oxford’s ESRC Impact Acceleration Account.