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Forced Displacement, Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Economics Aspects and Policy Issues

18 - 19 March 2019, Convened by COMPAS & QMUL

Queen Mary University of London

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The School of Economics and Finance, QMUL and COMPAS are jointly organising a conference on “Forced Displacement, Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Economics Aspects and Policy Issues” that will be held at Queen Mary University of London. The aim of the workshop is to bring together novel research on:

  • the socio-economic integration of asylum seekers and refugees in receiving societies;
  • the effects of migration and asylum policies on the size, composition, movements and (economic and non-economic) outcomes of displaced people;
  • the impact of their presence on hosting societies.

The organisers are especially interested in evidence from European and other OECD countries as well as in experiences of forced displacement in developing countries. Further topics of interest include evidence from historical events, unauthorised flows, border enforcement policies, economic and non-economic impacts, public attitudes, and electoral consequences.

Keynote Speakers

Christian Dustmann (Department of Economics, UCL; Director of the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration)

Jens Hainmueller (Department of Political Science, Stanford University; Founder and Faculty Co-Director of the Stanford Immigration Policy Lab)

The workshop will mark the conclusion of two parallel research projects funded by Nuffield Foundation. One project, Asylum Policies in Europe and the Refugee Crisis (P.I.: Francesco Fasani, QMUL), looks at different aspects of European asylum and refugee policies (border enforcement, regulation on labour market access, dispersal policies, etc.) and how they affect refugees’ outcomes. The other project, The Economic Integration of Refugees in the UK (P.I.: Carlos Vargas-Silva, COMPAS, University of Oxford), focuses on socio-economic integration of refugees in the UK.

Scientific Committee

Francesco Fasani (QMUL), Tommaso Frattini (University of Milan), Luigi Minale (UCM3), Isabel Ruiz (University of Oxford), Carlos Vargas-Silva (University of Oxford)


Authors must submit a full paper. The author making the submission must provide the full names, affiliations, and email addresses of all co-authors. Please note that each researcher may present only one paper during the conference, though they may be listed as a co-author on multiple papers.

Papers should be sent to the following address: econ-conference@qmul.ac.uk

Important Dates

  • Deadline for paper submissions: 10 December 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: 21 December 2018
  • Deadline for registration: 15 January 2019
  • Workshop dates: 18-19 March 2019

Further Details

There is no registration fee. A conference dinner will be hosted on 18 of March. The organisers are not able to cover participants’ travel and accommodation expenditures.

Local Organisers

Francesco Fasani (QMUL), Reinhard Weisser (QMUL)

For any enquiries, please contact: econ-conference@qmul.ac.uk


All information about the conference can be found on the dedicated workshop website.