Academic Events

Diversity, Cohesion and change in South London neighbourhoods: Concordia Discors Launch

10 June 2013

City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA

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Date: 17:30 - 20:00, Monday 10 June 2013

We are launching the final report of the Concordia Discors project on cohesion and integration in neighbourhoods. The London report presents our findings in two South London neighbourhoods. The European report presents findings from across five cities and eleven neighbourhoods in Spain, Italy, Hungary and Germany as well as the UK. The project explored how people get on at the local scale, how policy communities respond, and how local media frames the local debate.

At the launch, we will present the findings and screen a film about five cities, followed by invited responses from the London Borough of Southwark, local residents, and integration policy expert Jill Rutter, with time for discussion.