COMPAS in the news


New Year’s Honours 2018
30 Dec 2017 | Migration Observatory Director Madeleine Sumption appointed MBE

Imagining Refugia - Could a New Transnational Polity Help Solve the Refugee Crisis?
17 Oct 2017 | Foreign Affairs article by Nick Van Hear

Fact Check: are there over a million foreigners living illegally in Britain?
17 Oct 2017 | Conversation article citing Migration Observatory and COMPAS research

Community Integration Award
20 Sep 2017 | COMPAS was awarded a Research Champions award for our Online Tool to Improve the Assessment of Destitute Families’ Eligibility for Support

Integration Not Demonisation – new report from the The All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration
25 Aug 2017 | Includes written evidence from COMPAS and citations of Migration Observatory research

Brexit: UK retirees rushing to settle in Europe, say financial advisers
13 Aug 2017 | Guardian article quotes Carlos Vargas-Silva

Winners of the ESRC 2017 Celebrating Impact Prize announced
21 Jun 2017 | The Migration Observatory wins award for Outstanding Impact in Society

Relying on the kindness of online strangers to put you through law school
18 May 2017 | Times article on student crowdfunding mentions the MSc in Migration Studies

Bridget Anderson & Nicola Headlam introduce our seminar series Talking Oxford
18 May 2017 | Kat Ormon show, BBC Radio Oxford (interview at 1:06:41)

Talking Oxford: Bringing Together Town and Gown to Form a Stronger Community
17 May 2017 | COMPAS press release

Shortlist for prestigious ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize 2017 announced
19 Apr 2017 | Migration Observatory shorlisted for Outstanding Impact in Society

The impact of hosting refugees on the intra-household allocation of tasks
30 Mar 2017 | New working paper by Carlos Vargas-Silva and Isabel Ruiz

The judges’ decision: finalists for the Guardian University Awards 2017
8 Mar 2017 | The joint Coventry/Oxford/Birmingham MEDMIG research project has been shortlisted in the research impact category

Workers of the world, unite!
2 March 2017 | LRB blog cites research by Bridget Anderson

New online tool to help advise destitute families
31 Jan 2017 | COMPAS press release


Groups struggle to meet needs of migrants
24 Nov 2016 | Oxford Mail (cites report on voluntary sector services for destitute migrant children and families)

A report from Oxford University says that charities in London are struggling to provide young migrant families with housing, food and clothing
23 Nov 2016 | BBC Radio London at 01:03:13 (cites report on voluntary sector services for destitute migrant children and families)

Cash-strapped voluntary sector struggles to help destitute migrant families
23 Nov 2016 | Migrants' Rights Network (cites report on voluntary sector services for destitute migrant children and families)

Charities are struggling to help homeless migrant families
23 Nov 2016 | Daily Express (cites report on voluntary sector services for destitute migrant children and families)

Voluntary sector struggling to cope with destitute migrant families, study says
23 Nov 2016 | Daily Mail online (cites report on voluntary sector services for destitute migrant children and families)

Oxford study finds small charities crippled under increasing needs of migrant families
22 Nov 2016 | Oxford Mail (cites report on voluntary sector services for destitute migrant children and families)

Refugees forced to depend on human smugglers: study
4 Nov 2016 | Deutsche Welle (cites MEDMIG report)

Refugee crisis: European leaders blamed for record high deaths in the Mediterranean
3 Nov 2016 | Independent (cites MEDMIG report)

No direct flight: new maps show the fragmented journeys of migrants and refugees to Europe
3 Nov 2016 | Independent (article by MEDMIG project researchers)

High immigration areas to get millions in top-ups for public services within weeks
24 Oct 2016 | Independent (cites research by Carlos Vargas-Silva)

Labour asks the Government 170 questions about Brexit. But has no answer on migration
12 Oct 2016 | Spectator blog (cites Brexit Breakfast Briefing)

Citizens Unite: How Some Groups are Excluded in US
11 Oct 2016 | Good Times Santa Cruz (cites talk by Bridget Anderson)

Who counts as a migrant and using imagination to cross the immigration chasm
5 Oct 2016 | Artist on Art (interview with Bridget Anderson)

Migrant death toll expected to exceed 10,000 in 2016
17 Sep 2016 | Guardian (cites MEDMIG project)

The Thought Show on Syrian refugees
8 Sep 2016 | BBC World Service (interview with Franck Düvell at 29:30)

BBC Trending on Syrian refugees
3 Sep 2016 | BBC World Service (interview with Franck Düvell at 12:50)

Did Alan Kurdi's death change anything?
2 Sep 2016 | BBC Trending blog (cites Franck Düvell)

Phone in caller mentions research on impact on migration on NHS waiting times
25 Aug 2016 | LBC Radio - Clive Bull show (cites research by Carlos Vargas-Silva)

Workers slip under the radar after visas expire
3 Aug 2016 | The Times (quotes Franck Düvell)

Brexit Has Revealed Britain’s Racist Underbelly
4 Jul 2016 | Huffington Post blog (quotes Michael Keith)

When the prize of Hong Kong independence brings out the worst in zealots
3 Jul 2016 | The South China Morning Post (quotes Michael Keith)

The Newsroom - Brexit political fallout
29 Jun 2016 | BBC World Service (interview with Michael Keith at 15:10)

After a campaign scarred by bigotry, it’s become OK to be racist in Britain
28 Jun 2016 | The Guardian comment piece (quotes Michael Keith)

Leave or Remain, the NHS is in its death throes
15 Jun 2016 | The Times (cites research by Carlos Vargas-Silva)

EU referendum: The NHS needs immigration
14 Jun 2016 | International Business Times (cites research by Carlos Vargas-Silva)

Revealed: Migrants try to sneak into Britain at a rate of one every six minutes, official figures show
10 Jun 2016 | Daily Mail (quotes Franck Düvell)

'Sufficient resources' needed to patrol UK borders after Albanian refugees rescued from Channel
30 May 2016 | International Business Times (quotes Franck Düvell)

Us and Them? Bridget Anderson on Migrants and Nation-States
3 May 2016 | Carnegie Council podcast Ethics Matter talks with Bridget Anderson

Asylum seekers to be fully included into Utrecht society
27 Apr 2016 | Netherland Times (cites research by Caroline Oliver)

People blame cuts, not immigration, for pressure on public services
18 Apr 2016 | Independent (cites research by Carlos Vargas-Silva)

Vatican Calls Pope’s Trip to Greece a Humanitarian Visit
14 Apr 2016 | The Wall Street Journal (quotes Franck Düvell)

Cutting immigration would mean higher taxes or deeper spending cuts, OBR warns
28 Mar 2016 | The Independent (cites research by Carlos Vargas-Silva)

The EU’s Deal With Turkey Is a No-Win Situation
22 Mar 2016 | Fortune Magazine (commentary by Franck Düvell)

EU response to the Mediterranean refugee crisis is “likely to fail” say researchers
22 Mar 2016 | COMPAS press release

EU-Turkey refugee deal (interview at 1:51:16)
18 Mar 2016 | BBC Radio 5 Live (interview of Bridget Anderson)

Why the EU-Turkey Migrant Deal Is a Moral Disaster
17 Mar 2016 | Fortune Magazine (commentary by Bridget Anderson)

Saturday PM programme on flow of migrants to EU (interview at 06:16)
5 Mar 2016 | BBC Radio 4 Saturday PM (interview with Franck Düvell)

Up All Night on responses to the migrant crisis (interview at 08:38)
3 Mar 2016 | BBC Radio 5 (interview with Franck Düvell)

L'UE augmente la pression sur la Grèce
11 Feb 2016 | La Presse (quotes Franck Düvell)

Closing the Balkan Route: Will Greece Become a Refugee Bottleneck?
9 Feb 2016 | Spiegel International (quotes Franck Düvell)

University of Oxford holds donor drive to find life-saving stem cell donation
1 Feb 2016 | Oxford Mail (quotes Bridget Anderson)

Wie viele Flüchtlinge haben keine Papiere?
29 Jan 2016 | Mediendienst Integration (quotes Franck Düvell)

Up All Night Programme (interview at 45:23)
23 Jan 2016 | BBC Radio 5 | Franck Düvell comments on the Mediterranean refugee crisis)

Sanctuary Social Work News cites COMPAS research
6 Jan 2016 | Article on the immigration bill on pages 8-11

Immigration Bill 2015-16
5 Jan 2016 | Sanctuary Social Work News pp. 8-11 ( quotes Jonathan Price)


FT Seasonal Appeal: China’s missing children
2 Dec 2015 | The Financial Times (quotes Bridget Anderson)

Why does UK immigration policy focus on restriction and control?
2 Dec 2015 | Bastian Vollmer publishes article in CritCom

Forced to work: Sri Lankan migrant women continue to work without a break even in ill health
29 Nov 2015 | Sunday Observer (quotes Hiranthi Jayaweera)

Fear in the Jungle
24 Nov 2015 | Time (quotes Franck Düvell)

Failed asylum seekers could be restricted from Children Act support under new plans
17 Nov 2015 | Community Care (quotes Jonathan Price)

Erdogan's Victory and Turkey's Open-Door Policy
2 Nov 2015  | Foreign Affairs (quotes Franck Düvell)

High immigration to an area actually reduces NHS waiting times there, research finds
8 Oct 2015 | Independent (cites Carlos Vargas-Silva research)

Immigrants 'Help NHS Waiting Times Go Down', Report Shows, Despite What Theresa May Just Said
7 Oct 2015 | Huffington Post (quotes Carlos Vargas-Silva)

Avrupa mülteciler konusunda sınıfta kaldı
6 Oct 2015 | Aksiyon (quotes Franck Düvell)

Facts and Fiction in the UK Immigration Debate
6 Oct 2015 | Huffington Post Blog (cites Carlos Vargas-Silva research)

Das Europa der Grenzen
26 Sep 2015 | Der Spiegel (quotes Franck Düvell)

Refugee crisis: the tug of war between hospitality and prejudice
21 Sep 2015 | The Guardian (Letter by Bridget Anderson and colleagues)

Refugee crisis: ‘Europe needs to take big numbers. Until then, chaos reigns’
19 Sep 2015 | The Observer (quotes Franck Düvell)

UN warns European unity at risk as borders close to refugees
19 Sep 2015 | The Observer (quotes Franck Düvell)

İngiltere'nin sığınmacı politikası eleştiriliyor
15 Sep 2015 | Cumhuriyet (quotes Franck Düvell)

Crisis Migratoria Europea ¿Aporte o Carga?
7 Sep 2015 | Economía Internacional (quotes Bridget Anderson)

Even Britain’s bullying tabloids were moved by the photos of a drowned toddler
3 Sep 2015 | Washington Post (quotes Franck Düvell)

Refugee crisis: Number of Syrian refugees Britain has taken in would fit on a Tube train
2 Sep 2015 | Independent (quotes Franck Düvell)

Britain takes in so few refugees from Syria they would fit on a subway train
1 Sep 2015 | Washington Post (quotes Franck Düvell)

British Media Takes On Calais Migrant Crisis in ‘Silly Season’
13 Aug 2015 | New York Times (cites research by Franck Düvell)

Britain and France Point Fingers as Migrant Crisis Becomes a Political One
31 July 2015 | New York Times (quotes Franck Düvell)

Franck Düvell addresses House of Lords on migrant smuggling
22 Jul 2015 | Franck Düvell

The UK tumbles out of top ten in key immigration ranking
30 Jun 2015 | The Conversation (blog post by Ben Gidley)

It’s time to put integration back on the agenda
30 Jun 2015 | Left Foot Forward (blog post by Ben Gidley)

Review of Policy Discourses on Irregular Migration in Germany & the United Kingdom
29 Jun 2015 | Bastian Vollmer

Is tackling people smuggling the right solution to the migrant crisis?
26 Jun 2015 | Prospect big question (comment by Bridget Anderson)

OxTALENT 2015 Data Visualisation award
16 Jun 2015 | Will Allen wins award for Big Data project

Children trapped in poverty by UK government's 'dysfunctional system'
3 Jun 2015 | Guardian (cites 'no recourse to public funds' project report)

Thousands of children in Britain being forced to live on £1 a day
3 Jun 2015 | Independent (cites 'no recourse to public funds' project report)

Bridget Anderson on Europe’s ‘violent humanitarianism’ in the Mediterranean
27 May 2015 | Ceasefire (interview with Bridget Anderson)

Students from Willesden school stage play about undocumented migrants
2 Apr 2015 | Brent and Kilburn Times (cites project on Exploring Migration: Research and Drama in Schools)

The Roots of Radicalism We Don’t Discuss
29 Jan 2015 | Time Ideas (post by PhD candidate Morwari Zafar)

Rescuing the market? Comparing Agustin’s ‘Sex at the margins’ and Bales’ ‘Understanding global slavery’
28 Jan 2015 | Open Democracy (review by Bridget Anderson)


5 Sep 2014 - Calais residents fear migrant crisis will end in violence - the Guardian (quotes Franck Düvell on irregular migration)

23 Aug 2014 - Waiting for a break - the Economist (quotes Franck Düvell on irregular migration)

8 Aug 2014 - Skilled migration is in trouble, but don’t shoot the messenger, The Conversation (cites research by Bridget Anderson and Martin Ruhs)

14 Jul 2014 - Britain’s immigration debate must address three key issues, Spectator Coffee House blog (post by Martin Ruhs)

6 Jul 2014 - The Warmth of Other Suns - Something Understood, BBC Radio 4 (comment from Leslie Fesenmyer at 07:35)

6 Jun 2014 - Europe's war on refugees: 'We live like animals here', The Verge (quotes Franck Düvell)

5 Jun 2014 - Europe’s electoral quakes call for shock detectors, Times Higher Education (comment by Mette Louise Berg)

3 Jun 2014 - EU Faces ‘Humanitarian Catastrophe’ as Thousands Risk Death at Sea Fleeing Africa, Middle East, Atlanta Black Star (quotes Franck Düvell)

31 May 2014 - 'We have NO control over EU immigration' New call to control migrant flood from Europe, The Express (quotes Franck Düvell)

30 May 2014 - European Union: Illegal Immigration Rises as African Migrants Converge on Italy, International Business Times (quotes Franck Düvell)

30 May 2014 - Illegal immigration to Europe shows sharp rise, Telegraph (quotes Franck Düvell)

30 May 2014 - Surge in illegal migration after Libya threat to 'flood' EU, Telegraph (quotes Franck Düvell)

30 May 2014 - Illegal EU migration surges as thousands flock to Italy, BBC News (quotes Franck Düvell)

25 May 2014 - Speaking English, BBC London 94.9 (Ben Gidley comments on migrant integration, clip at 8:05)

19 Apr 2014 - The abuse of migrants: And still they come, Economist (cites research by Martin Ruhs)

18 Apr 2014 - On capitalism and coercion, Al Jazeera (cites research by Bridget Anderson)

12 Mar 2014 - The Britons who swap the UK for the poorest part of the EU, BBC (quotes Carlos Vargas-Silva)

11 Mar 2014 - Making Children Pay for Their Healthcare Poses Significant Risks, Huffington Post blog (cites research on undocumented migrant children)

2 Mar 2014 - Universities being used as proxy border police, say academics, The Guardian (quotes Mette Berg)

24 Feb 2014 - Why do institutions fail?, Policy and Politics Journal blog (post by Sarah Spencer)

24 Feb 2014 - Interview with Dr Myriam Cherti, London Oral History blog


30 Dec 2013 - A government in dilemma, The Independent Singapore (cites Martin Ruhs' op-ed in the New York Times)

27 Dec 2013 - Willingly waived: Migrant workers trading away rights for access to jobs, Up Close (interview with Martin Ruhs)

25 Dec 2013 - La Convention sur les droits des travailleurs migrants, ou l’assassinat par enthousiasme, Contrepoints (cites Martin Ruhs' op-ed in the New York Times)

19 Dec 2013 - Rare Riot Exploded in Singapore, Life Week Magazine (quotes Martin Ruhs)

18 Dec 2013 - Migrants Don’t Need More Rights, The New Times (op-ed by Martin Ruhs)

11 Dec 2013 - Pseudo-research pulls 385,000 Romanians out of a hat, The Huffington Post (blog post by Scott Blinder)

11 Dec 2013 - Pseudo-research pulls 385,000 Romanians out of a hat, Social Europe Journal (blog post by Scott Blinder)

9 Dec 2013 - Pseudo-research pulls 385,000 Romanians out of a hat, The Conversation (blog post by Scott Blinder)

2 Dec 2013 - Immigration: Winners and Losers, CNBC European Closing Bell (Martin Ruhs discusses the UK's immigration policy)

26 Nov 2013 - Theresa May’s slavery bill won’t help domestic workers, the Conversation (blog post by Bridget Anderson and Julia O'Connell Davidson)

24 Nov 2013 - Mukalla Today (Iain Walker interviewed about his research on the Hadrami community in Yemen)

18 Nov 2013 "Flüchtlinge an den Grenzen Europas" APuZ Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (article by Franck Düvell in The Parliament newspaper supplement)

11 Nov 2013 - UK's Cameron gets tough on migration ahead of EU talks, France 24 (quotes Franck Düvell)

8 Nov 2013 - Up All Night, BBC Radio 5, clip at 2:01:19 (Franck Duvell comments on irregular migration)

27 Oct 2013 - Eye on Wales, BBC Radio Wales, clip at 10:00 (Caroline Oliver comments on the government’s migration reforms)

26 Oct 2013 - Over the Top, the Economist (cites Franck Düvell on illegal immigration)

24 Oct 2013 - It's not all immigrants who the Tories fear. It's the mobile poor, The Guardian (review of Bridget Anderson's book 'Us & Them')

17 Oct 2013 - 29 million people enslaved, says first global index on slavery (quotes Bridget Anderson)

2 Oct 2013 - Less is more when it comes to migrant rights, The Conversation (blog post by Martin Ruhs)

30 Sep 2013 - Migrant rights: Time for a new approach, Al Jazeera (op-ed by Martin Ruhs)

22 Aug 2103 - Rather than protecting the UK labour market, the clampdown on immigration may be compelling citizens to take on lower quality work (blog post by Bridget Anderson)

15 Aug 2013 - Immigration and employment: two sides of the same coin, The Conversation (blog post by Bridget Anderson)

12 Aug 2013 - Celebrating International Youth Day by helping young migrants thrive, Children's Society blog (cites COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

7 Aug 2013 - Only one in 10 Britons has close friend of different race, Independent (quoting Ben Gidley on integration)

4 Aug 2013 - Martin Ruhs warns government over 'spectacle' immigration policy, BBC News (cites Martin Ruhs)

3 Aug 2013 - Government adviser's warning over spot checks for illegal immigrants, Observer (cites Martin Ruhs)

1 Aug 2013 - There are no easy solutions to undocumented migration, Left Foot Forward (cites COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

14 Jun 2013 - Priced out of Paris, FT magazine (quoting Michael Keith on elite cities)

5 Apr 2013 - Impact of Bulgarian, Romanian migrants on Britain likely to be modest: report, China

5 Apr 2013 - Impact of Bulgarian, Romanian migrants on Britain likely to be modest: report,

27 Mar 2013 - Ministers planning immigration crackdown on 'education tourists', Guardian (cites research on undocumented migrant children)

28 Mar 2013 - Romanian and Bulgarian migration to Britain: facts behind the fear, Open Democracy (blog post by Franck Düvell)

27 Feb 2013 - Experts concerned about migrant children, New Europe online (on the COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")


December 2012, Contacts and Money, D+C, Interview with Menderes Candan, COMPAS Visiting Academic on 'The Iraqi diaspora in Germany and its contribution to development in the reconstruction of Iraq since the regime change of 2003'

30 November 2012, Warning of loss of talent as net migration falls by 25%, The Times, Kaya Burgess, p.37 (quoting Migration Observatory spokesperson on the decline of migration numbers)

30 November 2012, 5 Live Drive, BBC Radio 5, Carlos Vargas-Silva of the Migration Observatory discusses the disparity in unemployment figures in different EU countries (c.1:39:00 on the iPlayer clock)

30 November 2012, At last, tide starts to turn as migrants drop by a quarter, Daily Express, Mark Reynolds, p.2 (quoting Scott Blinder on the number reduction)

8 November 2012, What future for the children of irregular migrants?, New Londoners (blog post by Nando Sigona on the COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

5 November 2012, Children with 'no state' in the UK, BBC Inside Out (citing COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

21 October 2012, the report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK" is quoted in Sankei London (please note, article only available in Japanese)

11 October 2012, Cheap, and far from free: The migrant army building Britain, New Statesman (Bridget Anderson comments on EU migrant labour)

13 September 2012, Undoc Camp helps thousands of UK children with immigration uncertainty, Metro (quoting the COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

3 September 2012, Governing Irregular Migration: No Power Politics but Deliberation, by Bastian Vollmer, Atlantic Community

1 September 2012, Selling Out, The Economist (quoting Ben Gidley on patterns of movement in south London)

September 2012, AMICALL notice, Slovakian Employment Ministry News

10 July 2012, Woman's Hour, BBC Radio 4, Bridget Anderson is interviewed about her research in the employment of migrant workers as cleaners.

24 June 2012, Life in limbo for UK’s irregular migrant children and families, Nando Sigona, Open Democracy

28 May 2012, 120000 migrant children fall through the net, MRN Migration Pulse blog (cites COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

21 May 2012, Current UK Immigration Policies Leaving Thousands of Children Destitute, claims Oxford University, UK Immigration Barristers (on the COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

19 May 2012, Good things and small packages: Britain’s undocumented children are caught between liberal courts and squeezed local budgets, The Economist (on the COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

17 May 2012, 120,000 children living illegally in the UK 'need better protection', University of Oxford Press Office (on the COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

17 May 2012, Immigration policies push 120,000 children towards destitution, blog, The Children's Society (on the COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

15 May 2012, Immigration rules leave thousands of children destitute, Oxford University finds, Children & Young People Now (on the COMPAS report "No Way Out, No Way In: Immigrant children and families in the UK")

1 May 2012, The stalled lives of young migrants, Ben Gidley, Open Democracy

16 February 2012, Radio Österreich 1, discusses irregular migrant workers quoting Bridget Anderson

8 February 2012, Immigration Debate, Voice of Russia, Carlos Vargas Silva discusses the contemporary immigration picture and net migration on a panel with Gawain Towler of UKIP and Ceri Dingle of WorldBytes Part One Part Two

4 January 2012, Paris Live, Radio France International, Iain Walker discusses corruption and laws on alcohol in the Comoros (0:9:50)


17 December 2011, Domestic labour: The servant problem, The Economist (Bridget Anderson comments on the results of research questionnaire on domestic work)

17 December 2011, The psychology of service: Why have servants?, The Economist, (Bridget Anderson quoted on the employment of immigrant domestic staff)

26 October 2011, BBC Radio Oxford, Bridget Anderson discusses Polish migration to the UK (1:37:40)

10 October 2011, 5 Live Drive, BBC Radio 5, Martin Ruhs (Director, Migration Observatory), discusses David Cameron's announcement that immigration laws are to be tightened (0:41:26)

22 Sep 2011, Bridget Anderson speaks at the TEDx East End conference on "Imagining a World Without Borders"

2 Sep 2011, Is this the best way to honour Diana?, Quentin Letts in the Daily Mail

27 August 2011, Yorkshire Post, UK immigration shows jump of 21pc to 239,000

27 August 2011, Inside Housing, Migration claims are unrealistic

25 August 2011, BBC Radio 4 'PM', Carlos Vargas Silva, (Migration Observatory) discusses net migration (0:16:40)

25 August 2011, BBC Radio Five Live, Carlos Vargas Silva (Migration Observatory) discusses net migration(1:50:47)

25 August 2011, The Independent, Net immigration up by more than 20%, by Wesley Johnson. Migration Observatory comments on net migration

25 August 2011, FT, Migration into UK rises 21% as fewer leave, by Helen Warrell. Migration Observatory comments on net migration

25 August 2011, The Guardian, Migration to UK rises by 21% despite coalition clampdown, by Alan Travis. Migration Observatory comments on net migration

23 August 2011, Cuts in aid for migrants and asylum seekers may inflict hardship on 100,000 children born in UK, report to warn, Joshya Layton, Daily Mirror (on the forthcoming report on undocumented migrant children by Nando Sigona)

1 August 2011, Migration: controlling the unsettled poor, Bridget Anderson, Open Democracy

27 July 2011, Cittadinanza e integrazione nel Regno Unito, Sky-Italy, Ben Gidley discusses citizenship and integration

25 July 2011, Local authorities should coordinate local services, Doug Taylor, The (Michael Keith comments on local government and changing populations)

21 July 2011, The Guardian, Why make paupers and foreigners fight over a crust?, Zoe Williams, article based on discussion in Sarah Spencer's recent book (The Migration Debate)

7 June 2011, A Manageable Enemy, Ukrainian Weekly (Nando Sigona discusses European external borders)

12 May 2011, YLE Radio News 12 o'clock report, Nando Sigona discusses African migrants arriving at Lampedusa (at 9.15 minutes) (Please note the item is in Finnish)

21 April 2011, London Enriched: The research behind the report, Ben Gidley, Migration Pulse blog, Migrants' Rights Network

19 April 2011, British Jews and Muslims: two myths (Part 1), Ben Gidley, Muslim Institute blog (part 2)

4 April 2011, Living Together, Ben Gidley and Hiranthi Jayaweera, The New Londoners

6 April 2011, Integration in the UK: why the silence?, Sarah Spencer, Open Democracy

30 March 2011, TODAY Programme, BBC Radio 4, New migration research centre opens, Martin Ruhs and Mark Easton discuss the new Migration Observatory

6 March 2011, Britain's growing reliance on migrant labour: inevitability or policy choice?, Martin Ruhs and Bridget Anderson, Open Democracy

Spring 2011, Migrant Research Outlined at Event, Network - the Magazine of the British Sociological Association, Issue 107, pp 19 - 20, Bridget Anderson comments on immigration policy

07 March 2011, How Human Trafficking can be a Middle-Class Crime, Ali Sheikholeslami, Euronews (Bridget Anderson comments on domestic workers)

16 February 2011, A Migration Observatory, The Global Conversation, interview with Martin Ruhs by Henry Peck, Brown University

13 February 2011, Yet annother 'state of emergency' in Italy, Nando Sigona, commentary piece

6 February 2011, BBC Radio 5 live, Drive, Interview with Scott Blinder about public attitudes to immigration in Britain and statistics (mp3)

4 February 2011, London's Biggest Conversation, Interview with Bridget Anderson about public attitudes to immigration in Britain (LBC, 97.3 FM, 08:05)

13 January 2011, Who is Looking After Your Parents, Carol Goar, The Toronto Star


7 December 2010, The Migrants Who Care, Alessio Cangiano, Open Democracy

26 November 2010, Morgenbladet, Landet med to ansikter (The country with two faces), Sarah Spencer comments on British integration politics. (Note: the article is in Norwegian) Page 1, Page 2

25 November 2010, BBC Radio Oxford Midmorning, Interview with Martin Ruhs about highly skilled migrant and British workers in the UK (0:28:40 to 0:37:40)

23 November 2010, London's Biggest Conversation 97.3 FM, What should be the cap on immigration? Interview with Bridget Anderson.

22 November 2010, BBC Radio 4, You and Yours series, Cross-cultural Care, interview with Sarah Spencer and use of COMPAS research findings on migrant care workers in the UK.

18 November 2010, Cutting immigration: Shutting the door, The Economist

18 November 2010, Government faces immigration cap dilemma, Wesley Johnson, The Independent

11 November 2010, Integration in the United Kingdom, Interview with Dr. Scott Blinder, The Forum (Fall 2010), Migration: Character and Scope, Economic Potential, Regional Perspective - Interviews, Essays, Editorials, pp. 134-138

9 November 2010, Triple Vulnerability: the lives of Britain's undocumented migrant children, Nando Sigona, Open Democracy

9 November 2010, Health for all 'whatever their need or background', Hiranthi Jayaweera, Open Democracy

9 November 2010, BBC Radio 5 Live Drive, Interview with Nando Sigona about the Roma activist Olmazu case (1:12.30 to 1:17.30)

November 2010, Britain's demand for migrant labour, by Martin Ruhs and Bridget Anderson, in Britain 2011, Annual Magazine of the Economic and Research Council, p. 80 - 81

24 October 2010, Perspective: Human Trafficking as the new slavery, Bridget Anderson takes part in a podcast interview

14 October 2010, Will the Migration Cap Fit, Martin Ruhs, British Politics and Policy Blog at the LSE

7 October 2010, 'The price of cheap labour', by Martin Ruhs and Bridget Anderson, The Guardian

3 October 2010, Financial Times, 'Migrants give boost to public finances', Martin Ruhs comments on immigration subsidy to UK public sector.

3 October 2010, Myth Busting, James Boxell, Financial Times

19 Sep 2010, Tower Hamlets: politics, poverty and faith, Dave Hill's London blog, the Guardian

11 Sep 2010, The Left, Social Theory, and Terror, Ben Gidley, Dissent Magazine blog

28 July 2010, Interview: Keith Kahn-Harris and Ben Gidley, Simon Round, The Jewish Chronicle Online

30 June 2010, On Brick Lane: Are Jews the Model Immigrants?, Ben Gidley, Dissent Magazine blog

24 June 2010, Who Are the English Defence League? And Are They Fascist?, Ben Gidley, Dissent Magazine blog

14 April 2010, Ukrainian weekly paper, New Era, published online at the Centre for Sociological Research, University of Johannesburg, Exclusive with Dr. Franck Düvell

2 Apr 2010, Fairness and immigration, Comment is free, the Guardian (quotes Sarah Spencer)


30 Apr 2009, Don't leave migration policy to the BNP, Comment is free by Michael Keith, the Guardian


13 Aug 2008 - Workers 'illegally underpaid', stories in the Press Association, Coventry Evening Telegraph, Morning star, The Western Mail, Wales online

12 August 2008, University of Oxford News pages - Female migrants most likely to be illegally underpaid

11 August 2008, Financial Times, p.2, Female migrants "worst paid", Quotes a and published that finds female migrant workers were more likely than any other group to be paid less than the national minimum wage.

19 Mar 2008, Whites 'must do more to help Muslims feel at home' says research group, Daily Mail

19 Mar 2008, 'Victimised' Muslims say they feel alienated from British society, Yorkshire Post

1 Jan 2008, Refugees detained in the shadows; In Europe and beyond, makeshift measures become permanent, The International Herald Tribune


18 October 2007, The Mirror: 'Immigration: The true cost to Britain', Quotes on migrant labour.

26 September 2007, Guardian Unlimited: Partrick Barkham quotes and the work of COMPAS in article on whether migrants are more likely to be the victims or perpetrators of crimes.

4 September 2007, BBC News Online: Migrant workers 'being exploited', Quotes a report written by on East European migrants.

29 May 2007, 'Migrants who have to work hard to feel at home in Britain', by Sarah Spencer, The Yorkshire Post

29 May 2007, BBC News Online: "Migrants 'want to settle in UK'". Mentions Oxford University (COMPAS) study about East European migrants.

29 May 2007, InTheNews: 'Migrant workers 'have difficulty integrating'. Mentions Oxford University (COMPAS) study about East European migrants.

29 May 2007, The Guardian: "European migrants who opt to stay need more help, says survey". Quotes about report on East European migrants.

29 May 2007, The Jeremy Vine Show, Radio 2. Interview with on report findings about East European migrants.

29 May 2007, Radio 4 Today Programme. Interview with on report findings about East European migrants.

29 May, 2007, BBC Breakfast News. Interview with on report findings about East European migrants.

22 May 2007, Interview about labour immigration and temporary migration programmes in the EU.

17 May 2007, The Irish Sun:'3m Poles heading here & UK', Quotes about report on East European migrants.

14 February 2007 Time Magazine: "The Many Faces of Europe". Quotes about multiculturalism, integration and social cohesion.


23 December 2006, (Austria), "Land der Arbeiter". Quotes on East European migrant workers and economic growth in Ireland

8 December 2006, Birmingham Post: "Brum 'divided' by rising migrant population". Reference to on Mapping of Race and Poverty in Birmingham, from the Cities in Transition conference.

8 December 2006, La Tribune:"L'immigration peut-elle relancer la croissance?", interviewed about migration and economic growth.

5 December 2006, The Guardian: "Would-be settlers will have to pass the Britishness test". Reference to COMPAS report.

5 October 2006, Newsbreak Article: "Fortress Europe" quoted on the state of Filipino nurse migration to the UK.

September 2006, ESRC Society Today: "Poles apart - families feel the strain as migrants flock to Britain." Refers to COMPAS report.

August 2006, Freight Transport Review: "A positive boost?" interviewed and cited extensively about impact of accession state workers on UK labour market.

August 2006, Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum (MRCF) Newsletter: Report on the COMPAS Annual Conference.

24 July, 2006, Newsweek article: Down the Drain. Quotes in article about Eastern Europe's brain drain

22 July 2006, 'East European immigration expected to continue', by Martin Ruhs, The Irish Times

7 July 2006 ESRC Society Today online: "Migration - 'brain gain' or threat to UK jobs?". Article about COMPAS Annual Conference 2006.

5 July 2006, BBC Online News: 'New questions on illegal working'. Quotes research about migrants who are living in the UK legally but breaking the employment restrictions on their immigration papers.

1 July 2006, Listener - The Things That Matter: "Far-Flung Whanau". Quotes DPhil student on the New Zealand diaspora.

17 May 2006, 'Migrant workers face tough choices', by Martin Ruhs, The Irish Times

20 April 2006, ESRC Society Today. consulted for a feature on migration issues (UNHCR state of the world's refugees report).

14 January 2006, Slobodna Dalmacija: 'Zbogom Srbiji' (Goodbye to Serbia). A commentary on new asylum seeker figures in the EU. Quoted at length.

16 January 2006, IPS News Service: 'Britain couldn't run without illegal immigrants'


November 2005, German radio SWR2. Interviewed on migrants, integration and multiculturalism.

8 October 2005, The Economist: 'Be my guest; Economics Focus'. Cites ' paper on temporary migration written for GCIM.

2 October 2005, The Boston Globe: 'Missing Zimbabwe Athletes Posing A Mystery In Britain' by Alana Semuels, Globe correspondent. Quotes on religious diasporas.

26 September 2005, 'Public debate on economic migration to Ireland is now needed', by Martin Ruhs, The Irish Times

20 September 2005, 'Super-diversity Revealed', by Steven Vertovec, BBC News Online

16 September 2005, The Irish Times: Opinion; An Irishman's Diary. Cites ' work on labour immigration policy.

16 September 2005, 'A common framework for the integration of migrants', by Sarah Spencer, European Policy Centre - Challenge Europe Online Journal

September 2005, Swiss radio (also broadcast on Austrian radio). Interviewed on labour migration after EU enlargement, for a piece on EU enlargement and migration to Ireland and the UK.

September 2005,"Spectrum", RTE Radio 1. participated in a discussion of proposed new labour migration policies in Ireland, in connection with Ireland's Employment Permits Bill 2005.

13 August 2005, Der Bund: 'Die Polen mögen es auf der Insel'. Cites work on migrant workers in Ireland.

4 August 2005, Business Week Online: 'In England 's Ghettoes, bin Laden Beckons; Poorly educated, often unemployed, and disdaining the permissive ways of their host society, some young Muslims turn to Al Qaeda for consolation'. By Stanley Reed. Quotes on multicultural youth.

7 July 2005, Analysis, BBC Radio 4. interviewed on British Muslims for a piece on Political Islam.

14 June 2005, Boston national Radio. interviewed on migrants and forced labour.

13 June 2005, ABC Radio Australia. 30 minute interview on labour immigration in Ireland and the UK, for a piece on Polish Plumbers.

20 May 2005, The Irish Times: 'Labour laws key to immigration policy, report says' By Alison Healy. Discusses ' paper on Managing the Immigration and Employment of non-EU Nationals in Ireland'

5 May 2005, Dispatches, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. interviewed on the future of multiculturalism for the weekly programme.

1 May 2005, BBC Online News: 'Barriers still exist in larger EU' by Gavin Stamp. Quotes on the impact of migration since accession on the UK Labour market.

22 Apr 2005, El Pais: 'Los 'tories' pinchan en hueso'. By Walter Oppenheimer. Quotes on labour immigration.

22 April 2005, Afternoon Drive Time programme, BBC Radio 5 Live. interviewed on illegal immigration in the UK.

March 2005, BBC Radio 5 Live. interviewed on Eastern European migrants.

28 February 2005, Time: 'A Secret Success: Immigration works far better than Britons realize, by JFO McAllister. Quotes on the benefits migrants bring in terms of increased demand.

7 February 2005, Dublin City, Irish Radio. interviewed on migrant domestic workers in the EU.

3 February 2005, The Guardian: Comment & Analysis: 'The third way's dirtiest secret: Ministers have tried to cover up their dependence on forced labour' by Felicity Lawrence. Discusses 's report on Forced Labour in the UK.

21 January 2005, The world Tonight, BBC Radio 4. interviewed on migration and flexible labour markets for a piece on migrant workers.

17 January 2005, Newsweek: 'New Imams' By Carla Power. Quotes on religious diasporas.

11 January 2005, The Guardian: Special investigation: 'Polish workers lost in a strange land find work in UK does not pay' by Felicity Lawrence. Quotes on the problems of flexible labour markets and on irregular workers.

January 2005, Radio Five Live. gave live comment on Conservative migration policy.


28 April 2004, 'Employment laws must be enforced', by Martin Ruhs, The Irish Times

26 February 2004, 'Find cohesion in human rights', by Sarah Spencer, The Guardian


24 December 2003, 'How welcoming does Ireland want to be?' by Martin Ruhs, The Irish Times

12 June 20013, The globalisation of migration control by Franck Düvell, Open Democracy

28 October 2003, 'Mousetraps are not enough' by Sarah Spencer, The Guardian