Journal Article

Reason for immigration and immigrants' health

Published 1 May 2018 / By Carlos Vargas-Silva, Osea Giuntella, Zovanga Kone & Isabel Ruiz

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The existing literature on the health trajectories of the UK immigrants has mainly focussed on the relationship between ethnicity and health. There is little information on the role of immigration status and no previous information on the role of reason for immigration to the country. This study fills this gap in the literature by analysing the heterogeneity of immigrant-native differences in health by reason for immigration.


Vargas-Silva, C., Giuntella, O., Kone, Z.L. & Ruiz, I. (2018) Reason for immigration and immigrants' health, Public Health, May 2018, Volume 158, Pages 102–109, DOI:

First Published May 2018