Journal Article

Benchmarking Cross-Border City-Regions: Basque and Øresund Comparative Territorial Connection

Published 20 January 2015 / By COMPAS Communications

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This article compares from the social innovation multidisciplinary scope, two contrarily complementary European cross-border city-region case studies by applying the 5-System City-Region analytical framework presented sequentially, at the RSA 2013 Winter Conference in London (Calzada, 2013) and RSA 2014 European Conference in Izmir (Calzada, 2014). On the one hand, the case of the Basque Country (OECD, 2013) nationalistic city-region (Calzada, 2011) in between Spain and France nation-states reflects surprisingly low cross border territorial development strategic synergies. On the other hand, in contrast, the case of the Oresund non-nationalistic city-region (OECD, 2003) shows a highly cooperative and fluent cross-border dynamic that started in 2000.


Calzada, I. (2015), Benchmarking Cross-Border City-Regions: Basque and Øresund Comparative Territorial Connection. Regions 297(1): 4-8. DOI: 10.1080/13673882.2015.11431633.