Servicing Super-Diversity: ESRC IAA Knowledge Exchange Fellowship

October 2014 – March 2015
Overview Theory Methods Partners Outputs
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This Knowledge Exchange Fellowship sees Berg as a ‘researcher in residence’ in the Chief Executive’s Department of the London Borough of Southwark. The aims of the fellowship are: to conduct research that will complement and inform the Council’s policies and service delivery practices; to contribute to a more nuanced social science understanding of urban diversity, and in particular the challenges for local governments of managing increasing diversity among their residents; and to generate insights of use to other local councils across the UK and Europe. The fellowship will provide Berg with an ‘inside-out’ perspective on the challenges of service delivery to a super-diverse population and issues of concern to local residents, which will feed into ongoing and future research collaboration.

During the fellowship, Berg will conduct two research projects:

1) Resident involvement in Southwark. This research focused on resident involvement across Southwark with a view to disseminate examples of inclusive, innovative, and sustainable practices to support the council’s involvement initiatives, appropriate for the particular challenges facing Southwark. A report on the research will shortly be published by Southwark Council. For more information click here. For Southwark’s housing strategy click here.

2) An assessment of the needs and impact on local services of the Latin American population in Southwark. This research will work with Southwark Council and Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS) to assess the needs and impact on local services of Latin American immigrants in Southwark, a relatively new immigrant group in London.

Principal Investigator

Mette Louise Berg


The Economic and Social Research Council