Academic Events

Migration Film Showings: Migrant Lives and Stories

Tuesdays, Hilary Term 2013

Pauling Centre, 58A Banbury Road, Oxford

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Convened by Mette Berg
Time: 16:30 Tuesdays, Hilary Term 2013

Week 1 (15 Jan)
Here to Stay, Alan Grossman and Aine O’Brien 2006 (documentary, 72 mins.)

Week 3 (29 Jan)
Marrying a stranger (Shabba), Daisy Asquith 2002 (documentary, 50 mins.)

Week 5 (12 Feb)
Last Train Home, Lixin Fan 2009 (documentary, 85 mins.)

Week 7 (26 Feb)
Last of the Dictionary Men, Tina Gharavi 2008 (documentary)